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CookingClassItaly does not profile users.

Dear user,
first of all thank you for visiting our website.

On this page, we will share the purpose and how to process the personal data that we collect during your navigation on the site (below “Site”) and with the use of the services offered by us, as explained below.

The processing of your personal data is always based on principles of lawfulness and fairness in accordance with all applicable regulations.
Below you will find all the details about the processing of your personal data.
We are available to answer your questions. At this link you will find all the ways to contact us: “Contacts”

This policy allows you to know, even before accessing the various sections of the Site, how CookingClassItaly will treat your personal data, entered directly from you, such as First Name, Last Name, e-mail address.

Identity and contact details of the Treatment Owner
The owner of the treatment is Stefania Mutti based at the Casarossa Farm – of Mutti Vittorio in Strada Val Parma 45 – Vigatto – 43124 Parma – P.I. 00303700348

CookingClassItaly will treat your Personal Data in accordance with EU Regulation No. 2016/679 and national data protection legislation (below” Privacy Regulation).

What Personal Data we treat and how we collect it
Your navigation on the Site and/or access to certain sections of the Site may involve the collection and subsequent processing of your Personal Data. In fact, when connecting to the Site, computer systems and software procedures for their operation automatically and/or automatically and indirectly acquire certain information (such as, but simply an example, the so-called “cookies”, as specified in the “Privacy Statement – Cookies”, which is located at the end of this policy, “IP” addresses, domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in notation request time to the server).

Any requests for information or services from you may also involve the collection and subsequent processing of your Personal Data (such as first name, last name, e-mail address).

In particular, the collection of your Personal Data may take place:

  • by filling out online forms yourself; And

  • through the publication by you of Contributions (as defined below), the content of which may include your Personal Data conferred directly by you on social networks independently managed by third parties, as, but not Facebook, Twitter, etc. (below “Social Network”). By “Contributions” we mean the images, comments, effect phrases associated with what is the subject of the Site, the contents and any other information that you conceived and published on the pages of social networks dedicated to the experience made during cooking courses.

In case you choose to send a request through the “Contactus” of the Site, the provision of some Personal Data is necessary in order to meet your needs, so the relevant fields of the registration form are marked with an asterisk or are otherwise marked as mandatory. The provision of Personal Data that is not marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory is merely optional and the failure, partial or inaccurate, of such Personal Data has no consequences. On the other hand, the failure, partial or inaccurate, of Personal Data marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory does not make it possible to perform the service you requested. If you have failed to provide one or more required Personal Data, an error message will appear with the list of missing Required Personal Data.

What are the purpose of the processing of your Personal Data and its legal basis
According to the needs you have expressed from time to time by accessing the various sections of the Site (and except for individual initiatives that involve the delivery of specific Personal Data, for which they will be published from time to time on the Specific Information Site), of the purpose of the processing of your Personal Data and its legal basis are indicated below.
Your Personal Data will be processed for the following purposes only with your consent to the treatment, which can be revoked at any time, sending a request to the controller by accessing the “Contacts” section of the Site:

How we treat your Personal Data
The processing of your Personal Data may include any type of operation, including collection, registration, organization, retention, consultation, processing, editing, selection, extraction, usage, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction.

Your Personal Data will be treated in a predominantly automated form, but also on paper with logic closely related to its purposes, through data bases.

The Owner has assessed the level of security as appropriate taking into account the risks that could result from loss, destruction, modification, unauthorized disclosure, accidental or illegal access, abuse or alteration of your Personal Data. In particular:

  • has taken risk-appropriate security measures;

  • Keep your Personal Data on servers located in the European territory, which are subject to an advanced and daily back up system.

Where we treat your Personal Data
Your Personal Data is mainly processed at the Farm’s headquarters for the performance of the activities. For more information, please contact the Owner at the contact details listed in the “Identity and contact details of the Treatment Owner” section.

How long do we keep your Personal Data
In order to ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of treatment, the Holder has identified different times of retention of Personal Data in relation to the individual purposes pursued:

  1. For the purpose of managing and responding to your requests in relation to cooking courses, your Personal Data will be stored for the time strictly necessary to fulfill your request;

  2. for the purpose of managing the activities related to your use of the Site, including the publication by you of Contributions on the social network pages dedicated to products of the different brands of the Barilla group, your Personal Data will be stored for the time strictly necessary to the service you requested;

  3. for the purposes of the management and execution of the statutory (accounting, administrative, tax, etc.) obligations, your Personal Data will be retained for as long as necessary for this purpose;

  4. For the purposes of handling disputes and any litigation, your Personal Data will be retained for as long as necessary for this purpose and, in any case, no later than the applicable statute of limitations.

Who are the recipients of your Personal Data
Your Personal Data can be communicated and processed by:

(i) legal or physical entities acting as external treatment managers, outsourced, appointed by Barilla or Barilla’s external treatment managers (including service, communication, marketing, advertising, promotions and sales of products and/or services advertisers, advertising dealers, IT service providers, Site managers, electronic platform managers, partners, credit institutions, studies professional partners);
(ii) employees and/or employees of the Owner (including system administrators) who, operating under the direct authority of the owner, will be authorized to process your Personal Data; And
(iii) employees and/or collaborators of external treatment managers (including system administrators) who, operating under the direct authority of external treatment managers, will be allowed to process your Personal Data.
Your Personal Data will not be disclosed to third parties except if your Personal Data should be communicated by Barilla to consultants in order to protect their rights, nor disseminated.

Children under the age of 16 should not give Barilla personal information or data without parental liability consent to them. In the absence of such consent, it will not be possible to send requests from the child through the Site. Barilla invites all those who exercise parental responsibility on minors to inform them about the safe and responsible use of the Internet and the Web.

Identity and contact details of those responsible for processing
The complete list of those responsible for the processing of Personal Data can be consulted by contacting the Owner at the contact details indicated in the section “Identity and contact details of the Controller of the Treatment”.

Your rights in relation to the processing of your Personal Data
The Privacy Policy grants you, as an interested person, numerous rights. In particular, you have the right to:

  1. obtain from the Holder confirmation of the existence or not of your Personal Data, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form as well as access to your Personal Data (obtaining a copy) and related information (including the purposes categories and origin of Personal Data, the categories of recipients to which they have been or may be disclosed, the retention period (when possible), the rights that can be exercised);

  2. get the Owner to rectify your Personal Data and the integration of your incomplete Personal Data;

  3. obtain from the Owner the deletion of your Personal Data without unjustified delay, among other things, when personal data is no longer needed compared to the purposes for which they were treated or there is no longer the legal basis for their treatment;

  4. obtain from the Holder the anonymous transformation or the blocking of your Personal Data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be retained, in connection with the purposes for which the Personal Data itself has been collected or subsequently treated;

  5. get from the Owner the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data, among other things, when you dispute the accuracy or you are opposed to the treatment, for the necessary period for the respective checks;

  6. receive, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device, your Personal Data as well as transmit or, if technically feasible, obtain the direct transmission of your Personal Data to another controller without impediments, in cases where the treatment is carried out by automated means and is based on your consent or is necessary for the execution of a contract of which you are a part;

  7. withdraw consent to the processing of your Personal Data for any of the purposes for which it has been lent.

You can exercise your rights to CookingClassItaly by accessing the “Contacts” section of the Site, or by sending Barilla a letter by ordinary mail to the address indicated in the section “Identity and contact details of the Controller of the treatment”.
In addition, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the Privacy Policy, you may complain to the Data Protection Authority of the state where you live, where your workplace is located, or where you are located. alleged violation, or contact the same Authority to request information regarding the exercise of your privacy rights.

The right to object to the processing of your Personal Data
At any time and for reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data that is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Owner or third party. In this case, the Holder refrains from further processing your Personal Data unless he proves the existence of legitimate reasons that override your interests, rights or freedoms, or is necessary for the investigation, exercise or defence of a right in court.
You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by accessing the “Contacts” section of the Site. If you object to the processing of your Personal Data for that purpose, the Holder will no longer be able to process it.

Cookies are lines of text that act as computer markers sent from a server (in this case, that of the Site) to a user’s device (usually to the Internet browser) when the user accesses a given page of a website; cookies, which can also be set by websites other than those that the user is visiting (“third-party cookies”), are automatically stored by the user’s browser and transmitted back to the server that generated them every time the user accesses the Internet page. In this way, for example, cookies allow and/or facilitate access to some Internet pages to improve the user’s browsing (that is, allow the storage of visited pages and other specific information, such as the most frequently viewed pages, connection errors, etc.), or allow profiling activities. Therefore, for a facilitated and complete use of a website, it would be appropriate for you to configure your browser to accept the receipt of such cookies.
Browsers are often set to automatically accept cookies. However, users can change the default configuration to disable or delete cookies (from time to time or once and for all), with the consequence, however, that the optimal use of certain areas of the website may be foreclosed. You can also check the modes and types of cookies stored on your browser by changing the cookie settings of your browser.

Cookie features and intents
Our Website uses the following categories of cookies:

  1. Technical and function cookies:

  • Technical cookies or “technical cookies”:

    They serve to facilitate your navigation on the Site and the use of its features. Among the technical cookies, we report the essential cookies, also called “strictly necessary”, which enable functions without which it would not be possible to fully use the Site as well as the performance cookies or “performance cookies” that improve the functionality of the Site.

  • Function cookies or “functionality cookies”:

    They allow the Site to remember the choices you make (such as the language or region in which you are located) and re-propose them to subsequent logins in order to provide better and personalized services (for example, they can be used to propose content similar to those you have previously requested).

  1. Profiling cookies:

CookingClassItaly does not profile users.

How to enable or disable cookies on your browsers:
You can block your browser from accepting cookies. However, this may make it less efficient or prevent access to certain features or pages of the Site/APP.
Here are the ways offered by the main browsers to block the acceptance of cookies:
Internet Explorer:

Additional ways to disable analytical and profiling cookies:
In addition to disabling and/or deleting cookies using the relevant settings of your browser, you can disable and/or delete individual analytical and profiling cookies by accessing the following sites:

  • Google Analytics Cookies, which is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files that are stored on the user’s computer to allow you to analyze how users use the Site/APP. The information generated by cookies about the use of the Site/APP by the User will be transmitted to a Google server where it will be stored. Google will use this information to analyze your use of the Site/APP, report on the activities on the Site/APP, and to provide additional services to the operator of this Site/APP related to the use of the Site/APP and the use of the Internet. Google will not associate the IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics with other data in Google’s possession. The user can prevent the storage of cookies by changing the software settings of their browser, but this may make the Site/AP functions less customized based on the user’s preferences. You may receive information about the processing activities of your personal data from Google Analytics at the following address:; he can also prevent Google from registering the data produced by the cookies and related to its use of the Site/APP (including its IP address) as well as the processing of that data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link: Using the Site/APP, you agree to Google’s processing of your data in the manner and purposes outlined in Google’s privacy policy in relation to your use of Google Analytics, which can be accessed at the following link: To disable these cookies, visit:

  • Doubleclick cookies: visit for the deletion of cookies provided by the Doubleclick platform.

  •, a website operated by the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), for the deletion of other cookies in the case of users based in the European Union,

  •, for the deletion of other cookies in the case of users residing in the United States of America.